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Escape rooms
一 如月 | Japan, Kanagawa Pref.
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女王と国のために [For Queen & Country]
Studio Escape Nipponbashi
Escape room
Studio Escape is one of the best Creator for Escape Rooms. I recommend this room for English speaker. Unfortunatly, Japan's Escape Rooms are required you the skill of Japanese and Deep understanding of Japanese culture. We usually refer to escape rooms that also require Japanese language skills as escape rooms, and overseas those that only have physical gimmicks as the main feature are sometimes called Shanghai type.
漆黒の悟り [Shadow Zen]
Studio Escape Daikoku-cho
Escape room
Studio Escape is one of the best Creator for Escape Rooms. I recommend this room for English speaker. Unfortunatly, Japan's Escape Rooms are required you the skill of Japanese and Deep understanding of Japanese culture. We usually refer to escape rooms that also require Japanese language skills as escape rooms, and overseas those that only have physical gimmicks as the main feature are sometimes called Shanghai type.
女王と国のために [For Queen & Country]
Studio Escape Nipponbashi
Escape room
欲望のダイヤモンド [The Dame & the Diamond] Version 2
Studio Escape Nipponbashi
Escape room
Studio Escape is one of the best Creator for Escape Rooms. I recommend this room for English speaker. Unfortunatly, Japan's Escape Rooms are required you the skill of Japanese and Deep understanding of Japanese culture. We usually refer to escape rooms that also require Japanese language skills as escape rooms, and overseas those that only have physical gimmicks as the main feature are sometimes called Shanghai type.
Dark Wyvern Mining
The Escape Room USA
Escape room
The room master left the challenger stuck in the first room for 20 minutes. We looked at the hints on the screen about five times throughout the game. I wonder if the game master is slacking off. We are not good at English, so it was difficult for us to understand the hints, and we were unable to reach the final puzzle. The game master must know that we do not understand English because we heard the same hints over and over again. We still could not understand it, so we asked him to display it on the screen, and he did for the first time. However, the color of the background and the text did not match well, and we could hardly read it. First of all, the screen was so far away that I couldn't read the text. There were many gimmicks along the way that we did not understand why they moved forward. It seemed that the master had just moved forward without any explanation to us. It was not clear why the gimmicks along the way were the answers. The only good thing about it was that the rooms were luxurious. If we had not reached the end and the time limit was reached, we were kicked out of the room. What was waiting for us when we reached the end, and did we have to try again? I have played over 500 escape rooms in Japan and the US, but the game master's attitude here was so bad that it would have been much better if they had left the room unmanned and provided a hint book. The game master of this room just didn't seem interested in entertaining the challengers. 最初の部屋で挑戦者が詰まってから20分放置するルームマスター。我々がこのゲームを通して画面に映ったヒントを見たのは5回程度でした。ゲームマスターはサボっているのでしょうか。我々は英語がうまくなく、ヒントの理解も難しく、最後のパズルに辿り着くこともできませんでした。同じヒントを何度も繰り返し聞いたため、こちらが英語を理解していないことをゲームマスターはわかっているはずです。我々はやっぱり理解できなかったため画面に表示するよう依頼して、初めて画面に表示してくれました。しかし、背景と文字は色の相性が悪く、読むことがほとんどできませんでした。そもそも、画面が遠く文字は読めませんでした。途中で何度もなぜ先に進んだのかわからないギミックが多くありました。我々に説明もなしにマスターが勝手に次に進ませたとしか思えませんでした。途中のギミックはなぜその答えになるのか理由が明確ではありませんでした。部屋が豪華なのだけがとりえです。最後まで辿り着いていない状態で制限時間になったら部屋を追い出されました。最後まで行ったら一体何が待っていたのか、もう一度挑戦しろということなのでしょうか。私は日本、アメリカで500を優に超えるエスケープルームを遊んでいますが、ここのゲームマスターの対応はあまりに酷く、無人でヒントブックを置いてくれた方がはるかにましです。この部屋のゲームマスターは挑戦者を楽しませる気がないとしか思えませんでした。