Nightmare at Dos Lagos
Nightmare at Dos Lagos

Nightmare at Dos Lagos

Nightmare at Dos Lagos

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Temporarily Closed - Have you ever wondered if you would survive the zombie apocalypse? Now you can find out! At Nightmare at Dos Lagos you will find yourself outside of the safe zone and surrounded by the living dead. Your goal is to make your way through the infested retail shop to the safe zone. Along the way you will encounter many of the walking dead. You must not become infected yourself. Each participant will be assigned a belt containing three flags. Each of these flags represent a life. If you lose all three flags, you ARE infected. The infected will do everything they can to take your life’s from you. THE ZOMBIE VIRUS IS EXTREMELY CONTAGIOUS SO, DO NOT ALLOW THE INFECTED TO TOUCH YOU. If you lose all of your flags and become infected, do not lose hope. Continue with your group until you reach the safe zone. The Center for Disease control has been working on a cure, you might be able to be saved. You are not allowed to touch, attack, or hit the infected zombies. Here is some of the info we have learned about these infected individuals that might help you along the way. The first turned infected tend to be slow. But do not doubt their lethality… The average infected can move at a reasonable pace but still can be out maneuvered. The freshly turned infected are as fast as you or I. They are very aggressive and violent. We have found that the infected will typically only take one life per group they encounter. Also we have learned that the infected are easily distracted. If you are lucky enough to be in possession of a squeaky toy this can save your life. Just make it squeak and throw it in the opposite direction you need to go, and the infected will go for the toy. But be warned if you throw the squeaky toy and hit the infected, it will enrage them and they will take all of your life’s.. Once you reach the safe zone a CDC professional will inspect you for bites and to ensure you still have at least one flag remaining. Also, along the way, you might be lucky enough to find extra lives. If you find an extra flag grab it and bring it with you to the inspection area. These extra flags could be on the ground or they might be hidden in drawers or other hiding spots.