Complot Diabolique dans le Vieux-Québec [Diabolical Plots in Old-Quebec] [Outdoor]
Complot Diabolique dans le Vieux-Québec [Diabolical Plots in Old-Quebec] [Outdoor]

Complot Diabolique dans le Vieux-Québec [Diabolical Plots in Old-Quebec] [Outdoor]

Adventure City Games - Quebec

  • Escape room
  • IRL

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Inspired by the film "The Law of Silence" and with the city of Quebec as its backdrop, dive into an active investigation as you try to save an innocent life. All while honoring the great English filmmaker, the one and only master of suspense, Alfred Hitchcock. It was all rather quiet in Priest Montgomery's life, until an anonymous and shocking confession. A murder is about to occur. Without proof nor probable cause, the police don't believe him. The following day, he receives a school photograph with a mysterious message. Filled with apprehension, Montgomery turns to Detective Malden to help solve this dark enigma. Who is trying to murder whom, and why? Detective Malden has hired you for your discretion and quick thinking skills. He's counting on you to help avoid a tragedy by uncovering the future murderer and the victim. The evidence is still scarce: priest Montgomery's panic-stricken testimony, these words heard at confession: "I tell you priest, I have sinned in thought and I will sin in act, everything is ready. There is no terror in a gunshot, only in the anticipation of it", as well as the surprising school photograph we received the next day and its gloomy message on the back: "Now that you know what you know, what are you going to do?

  • 1-40
  • 120 mins
  • Easy