Zombie Survival Experience FlightZombie Survival Experience Flight
Zombie Survival Experience Flight

Zombie Survival Experience Flight

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Fear Farm Haunt

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It’s been 2 years since the zombie virus ravished the world. Millions have died. The US military and the CENTER IF DESESE CONTROL have created a safe zone west of the Rockies. You have found yourself completely unarmed outside of the safe zone. You must escape through the sewers to find the entrance to the safe zone. These sewers have tunnels, multiple pathways, moving walls, multiple changing exits, and even loops. If you find a path is too physically difficult to do, look around there is always another way of getting through. You will need to outsmart, out maneuver, or outrun the zombies. Do not punch, hit or kick the infected. This attraction is survivable no matter your physical condition might be. Before you enter, you will be assigned a belt containing three flags (aka life’s). As you navigate this maze, the infected will try and take your flags. Along the way you may find extra flags. Grab them. They might make the difference between survival or becoming one of the walking dead. If you lose all of your flags continue on till you find the exit. The CDC has been working on a cure and might be able to help you. The guest who makes it out with the most flags each weekend gets to come back at the end of the season for a grand prize. So get ready to answer this question would you survive the zombie apocalypse?


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