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桃花閣,京城最近新開的客棧 其中最負盛名的便是 花魁 - 月兒姑娘 適逢上元燈節 桃花閣推出一檔表演 花燈、月兒、美酒 —「花月宴」 一晚只收一組客人 其中 猜對客棧燈謎者 除可與月兒姑娘共度一宿之外 更有機會獲得花魁贈送的『桃花簪』 此簪珍貴無比 坊間便有了傳聞 一一『凡是能獲得桃花簪的人 必定能獲得令人羨慕的愛情』 今夜,你們受邀來到此地 盡請享受由桃花閣為各位準備的 一一「花月宴」
72 escape rooms
Chinese language knowledge is definitely required for this room. Not only was there a lot of reading, all of the puzzle solutions were also in Chinese. We played this room with 5 people (3 native Chinese speakers, 1 American-born Chinese speaker, and 1 non-Chinese speaker) and while there were times where the non-native Chinese speakers ended up with nothing to do, we all still had fun. The NPC interaction was just enough to be interesting and not scary at all. The puzzles were interesting and even included things you can eat! Definitely recommend!
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